Social Media

Use of Social Media
We request your support in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all members of our community when posting and sharing content on social media sites. There has been a overall increase in the use of social media to discuss schools and it has been noted that this is not always being done in an appropriate manner.
If parents wish to set up social media groups in order to get to know other parents and discuss their children then they are strongly advised to do so by setting up private groups and ones which cannot be accessed by other members of the public, in order to ensure the safety of their children. All parents and carers are entitled to have their own views and opinions and schools welcome these comments through the appropriate channels. We would like to ask that all members of our school community consider how comments are sometimes misunderstood when shared online and the possible impact and consequences on others of our online actions. It is important that all parents and carers understand that the use of social media to deliberately threaten, upset, harass, intimidate or embarrass members of staff or anyone else associated with the schooling community will be considered to be cyberbullying and/or harassment and will not be tolerated. Posting threatening, obscene or offensive comments online can also potentially be considered as a criminal offence and can therefore have very serious consequences. Schools in Buckinghamshire will take action against inappropriate postings on social media if they:
i. Could have repercussions for the orderly running of the school or
ii. Pose a threat to another pupil or member of the public or
iii. Could adversely affect the reputation of the school.
At The John Hampden School Wendover, we allow parents and carers to take photographs or videos of their children at specific performances during the year, for their personal use, on the understanding that no images of other people's children or staff are shared online or on any social networking sites, including class WhatsApp groups. If we become aware of breaches to this arrangement we will be forced to review this opportunity.
If parents/carers have any concerns or complaints regarding their child’s school, then we would like to request that they be made using the correct and official channels so we can work together to help resolve any concerns that parents/carers may have. The John Hampden School Wendover has a complaints procedure and anti-bullying policy which can be requested from the school office and is also available online. If parents/carers wish to discuss this matter further or have any other online safety concerns the please contact the Designated Safeguarding Leads - Sue Barnes or Steph Parkinson.
Many thanks in advance for your support in this matter.