Adverse Weather Conditions
If we need to close the school due to adverse weather conditions the following procedures will be used to inform parents.
1. A decision will be made about the school closure by 7.30am. This decision will be based on health and safety grounds, which may include not having enough staff at school to supervise our pupils.
2. By 7.45a.m the school website home page will be updated with closure details. Greatest Hits Radio will have been contacted and should announce our school closure at regular intervals throughout the morning. The County Council‘s website will also list our school closure:
3. If the notices listed above have not been implemented then you are to assume the school will remain open.
4. With these three methods of communication in place, there should be no need for you to telephone the school asking whether we will be open or closed.
5. Should the school open but need to close earlier than 3.15p.m, we will contact you via text or telephone.
Please be assured that school closure will always be a last resort.
It is entirely the responsibility of the parent/carer to decide whether it is safe to travel to and from school in inclement weather and we respect the choices you make. As usual please inform the school by telephone or in writing if your child will be absent from school.